Counselling for gay men
competent • free of charge • anonymous
How are you?
Ask us anything you want to know about your life as a gay man – about friendship, partnership, loneliness, sex, drugs or things that scare you; how you can protect yourself from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections or whether you could be infected. We can help you decide whether PrEP is appropriate, whether you should have an HIV test or whether you need immediate measures after a risk contact (PEP).
Gay Health Chat is a free and anonymous online counselling service for gay and other cis and trans men who have sex with men. Our counsellors are gay/queer themselves and work for AIDS support and counselling organisations that specialise in the needs and rights of gay men. We offer counselling here every day between 5 and 8 pm. The rest of the time we are online occasionally or you can leave us messages.
Counselling for gay men: anonymous, confidential, competent
Only the counsellor you choose and you can see your chat. Others do not have access to your counselling. The chat is not saved or archived. Therefore, an interrupted chat cannot be continued or resumed.
We are specially trained for counselling on the internet. All counsellors work full-time or on a voluntary basis for a member organisation of the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e. V. or for the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz or the AIDS-Hilfen Österreichs.